Can Alex Wing It! | K2L Marketing

Can Alex Wing It!

The day of the annual ‘Exchange Quay’ Chilli Chicken Challenge had arrived. The inter-company competition where one representative from each business takes up the challenge to eat a selection of spicy chicken wings, in the shortest amount of time.

Web Developer, Alex Knight was the chosen one. After taking part in last year’s event and just missing out on 1st place, we gave him the opportunity to redeem himself and bring home the ‘2017 Chilli Chicken Challenge Cup.’

Now the Challenge does sound quite straightforward – you have five minutes to eat five chicken wings. Except that the wings are smothered in a spicy sauce and come with a side order of five different super-hot chilli peppers.

Assuring us that he’d had another 12 months of weekly training at the local Nando’s, and now immune to their ‘Extra Hot’ Peri Peri sauce, Alexs was definitely the best person for the job – we could smell victory… or was it just chicken?

Alex attempting the challenge

All the team joined him for moral support and ready to cheer him on. Our brave winged-warrior took his seat and his meal was served – five saucy chicken wings and five fresh chillies.

We counted him in, and the five minutes began, Alex tucked into the chicken and was making good progress… we had this in the bag.

Well for the first couple of minutes anyway…

It wasn’t long before the hot sauce and fresh chilli peppers began to take their toll – we could tell by the expressions on his face, that something wasn’t quite right. The two very different propositions, and the combination of thermogenic ingredients were starting to prove more than he could handle.

Alex attempting the challenge

Expressions soon turned to yelps and cries for surrender and sadly, in the end, Alex had too admit defeat – he just couldn’t handle the heat.

It was a brave performance, but once again disappointment and a burning sensation in his belly were his only rewards.

Chilli Chicken Challenge 2018…?

Will it be a case of third time lucky for Alex? As an experienced hot sauce hero now, surely his time will come in 2018? This year wasn’t meant to be, but Alex, we’re all still proud of you and know you can do it next time!

