Ping + Pong = Work + Play | K2L Marketing

Ping + Pong = Work + Play

One of the things we like to make sure of at K2L is a good work-life balance. When we work hard, we play hard. We recently purchased an agency Ping Pong table and from day one it’s been an irreplaceable member of the team.

The table has just been wrapped with a branded vinyl and has become a focal point in the office! We’ve even got ping pong balls in our signature orange, not only to be on brand, but also so we can easily spot them when we lose them around the office and under tables. We have all noticed that swinging your arms around until you hit a ball seems to be the tactic, with some taking it more seriously than others.

You’ll often find the team taking a break or clearing their head with a game. With our skills growing it’s not long before a friendly competition is pencilled in – Friday challenge alert!

If anyone wants to join us for a game, you just need to pop in to our offices – there’s always a willing player on hand.

Ping + Pong
